The Founder

About Laura
“The things in life that I can’t do, or that I do poorly, are endless such as, for example, cooking, running, cutting hair, accounting for a company, going to space, being an acrobat, sewing clothes, find the car when I park it; the list, in fact, would not find an end.
On the other hand, the things in which I have a differentiating talent are mainly four: “feeling” others and myself, communicating, perceiving the systems around me, having a systemic vision. These have been my natural abilities since I can remember and as a child, they were sometimes difficult to manage. That’s why when I grew up I decided to learn how to use them to my advantage and I understood how they could also be used to the advantage of other people and organizations.
In life I am a Coach, Trainer and Business Consultant because they are the tools with which I can best express my Value.”
About Laura
“The things in life that I can’t do, or that I do poorly, are endless such as, for example, cooking, running, cutting hair, accounting for a company, going to space, being an acrobat, sewing clothes, find the car when I park it; the list, in fact, would not find an end.
On the other hand, the things in which I have a differentiating talent are mainly four: “feeling” others and myself, communicating, perceiving the systems around me, having a systemic vision. These have been my natural abilities since I can remember and as a child, they were sometimes difficult to manage. That’s why when I grew up I decided to learn how to use them to my advantage and I understood how they could also be used to the advantage of other people and organizations.
In life I am a Coach, Trainer and Business Consultant because they are the tools with which I can best express my Value.”
Growth path
“After graduating in Business Administration from Bocconi University in 1998, I started working at Ernst&Young in the “Business Risk Services” division, where I stayed for 10 years up to the level of Senior Manager, being able to experience myself not only as a Consultant, but also as Mentor and Trainer in the EU area. After these first 10 years I decided I wanted to deepen my skills in the field of Personal Development, I moved to London and for 4 years I worked as HR Regional Director in Alliance Boots (Pharmaceutical Company), mixing my skills as an Organizational Consultant and process to those of Soft Skill Trainer. At the same time, I started a Masters in NLP Coaching with Jhon Grinder who, after 3 years, allowed me to become a Certified Coach. In this period I also studied topics related to Coaching activity with the participation in various courses, including that of Conversational Hypnosis by Milton Erickson.
Therefore, in 2013 I returned to Italy and I started to put into practice and exploit all the skills acquired up to then to pursue my main Driver: being a “Free Person”. I embarked on my career as a freelancer which, since then, has allowed me to work as a Mental Coach (since 2015 also Coach for Bocconi University and Coach in Start-up Incubators), Trainer with Coaching techniques (also for Bocconi University), consultant pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 and President of Supervisory Bodies.
Between 2014 and 2019 I chose to dedicate part of my resources as Administrator and co-owner of an innovative Start-up for the creation of a device for the social inclusion of people with motor disabilities (ref: MW Mobility) and, from 2019 to 2022, I dedicated my work to the activity of Professional Coach & Brain Trainer in a new Start-Up named Freebly (first benefit company among lawyers).
I have experienced and continue to experience change directly, day after day. All the activities I carry out as a consultant/trainer/coach have the aim of supporting others to achieve Real Change in a short time. My natural tendency towards freedom and its search represents an important resource that I make available to all those who choose to use it.”

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