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Traveling with a Coach

Home/Traveling with a Coach

Discover Your Personal Growth Journey with

Have you ever dreamed of combining the transformative power of travel with a guided personal growth journey? Imagine setting off for a dream destination, knowing that you will have a dedicated coach (female) by your side to support you every step of the way toward personal fulfillment.

Proposal for Women

(both Individuals and Groups of Up to 3 )

With our exclusive “Traveling with a Coach” service, we offer women the opportunity to embark on a journey that will not only take them to discover new places but also help them discover new parts of themselves.
This service is perfect for those who want to:

  • Exploring new horizons: Visit enchanting destinations with the safety and support of a coach by your side.
  • Personal growth: Participate in personalized coaching sessions designed to help you overcome personal challenges, improve your self-esteem, and achieve your goals.
  • Unique experiences: Engage in activities and experiences designed to enrich your journey, such as mindfulness workshops, meditation, and personal development sessions.

How does it work?

Personalized planning

We start with an initial consultation to understand your goals and preferences.

Tailored program

We create a customized travel itinerary and coaching plan just for you.

Continuous support

During the journey, you will have access to daily coaching sessions and continuous support through Shadow-coaching.

Who is it meant for ?

This service is ideal for those who want to travel solo but with the safety of professional support and for those who want to turn a simple trip into a meaningful personal growth experience.

Proposal for Groups

(including Mixed Groups, of 4 to 8 People )

“Traveling with a Coach” is also designed for groups who wish to combine travel with a transformative experience, including within groups such as start-ups, corporate teams, families, and friends; but also with new companions of adventure.
This service is perfect for those who want to:

  • Explore new horizons: Visiting enchanting destinations by combining physical travel with inner travel and relationship with other Group members.
  • Personal Growth: Participate in group coaching sessions designed to improve relationships, communication, and everything needed to achieve both personal and group goals.
  • Unique Experiences: Engage in activities and experiences designed to enrich your journey, such as mindfulness workshops, group discussions, and personal and group development sessions.

How does it work?

Personalized planning

We start with an initial consultation to understand your group's goals.

Tailored program

We create a customized travel itinerary and coaching plan for the group.

Continuous support

During the journey, you will have access to daily group coaching sessions and continuous support through Shadow-coaching (e.g., on Relationship Management, Team Working, Leadership).

Who is it meant for ?

This service is ideal both for existing groups that want to improve their functioning mechanisms, turning a trip into a meaningful Personal and Group Growth experience, and for those who wish to embark on a personal growth journey while traveling together with new companions of adventure.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us for more details and to arrange an initial consultation.
The “On the Road with the Coach” service is available in Italian or English.

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